Summer is disappearing faster than we’d like here at Stack HQ (and the enormous beach-going Venice crowds along with it). While we’ve definitely found moments to step out and breathe the ocean air, the team’s been busy breaking company records, innovating new ways to serve our publishers and merchants—and preparing for what looks to be an unforgettable Q4.

Here’s a taste of what we’ve been up to:

1. We hosted the 4th annual Stack Olympics, and it was epic.

The in-house team celebrated the fourth annual Stack Olympics on June 23rd and, as always, it was a raucous, competitive affair.

This year’s theme comprised Hollywood classics, with teams based off of The Sandlot, Space Jam, Star Wars, and more ‘80s – early ‘90s classics. The day consisted of a variety of challenges, testing Stackers’ mettle in a range of disciplines. When the games were completed, and the “work” day came to an end, teams retired to the office for drinks and pizza and, once again, were friends, coworkers, and allies. Another rousing success in the books, it’s safe to say Stack Olympics is one annual tradition here to stay.

2. Our publisher family grew by 42, and MediaPost wrote about it.

We would love to brag about our successful first half of 2017, but luckily, MediaPost did the heavy lifting for us. We were thrilled to be featured in their PublishersDaily section, and share some of our latest wins with the community, including: onboarding 42 new publishers, reporting an impressive 20% average gross margin for publisher partners (for comparison’s sake, affiliate networks generally offer 4-8%), and jumpstarting an amazing partnership with Mashable, who saw over 18,500 transactions in the first 60 days alone.

Check out the full post here.

3. We gathered (and got ridiculously inspired) as a team for our annual off-site.

Our annual off-site is one of the team’s favorite events of the year—and 2017 was no exception. This year we welcomed Jason Jaggard and Jon Roberts of Novus , who dished some inspiring wisdom to help us grow and develop as individuals in our careers and lives. We returned to the office motivated, ready to blow our goals out of the water, and (some of us) even a little tan from a day at the pool.

4. We welcomed our new VP of Sales, Paula Campbell—and she’s awesome.

We were thrilled to welcome a new member of them team to sunny Venice Beach, Paula Campbell! Paula brings years of experience leading sales teams at an impressive list of companies, including: Touch of Modern, LivingSocial, and Verizon Information Services. We can’t wait to watch Paula take our Sales Team and product catalogue to new heights—just in time for the holiday season.

5. We made one more big, exciting company change that we can’t wait to tell you about….

I’ll say no more. Updates to come soon!