Here at Stack, we look forward to our annual off-site every summer. It’s a time to reflect, celebrate wins, and brainstorm how to provide the best possible experience for our partners. As we close the books on this year’s event, we’re feeling more aligned as a team than ever before. Oh, and did we mention there’s a talent show involved?
This year, we hopped over to beautiful Manhattan Beach, and were excited to have our remote employees join us for some quality face time. Read on for some of our key takeaways and highlights.
There’s no room for ego.
There’s a reason One Team is a StackCommerce core value. After listening to a dozen of our employees, from our first hire to our last, share their experiences at Stack, there was one common thread: we are one team. From mistakes to successes, we grow together and leave our egos at the door.

Focus on the solution; not the problem.
Guest Speaker Edwin Arroyave kicked off the day by sharing insights from his journey to success. One consistent theme? Don’t dwell on the problem. As a fast growing tech company, there’s no shortage of curve balls thrown our way. But by transitioning our focus to the solution, we’re forced to take action faster while cultivating a more positive work space.

Listen More.
Our CEO and Founder, Josh, who recently welcomed his third child, shared a few insights from his time with family as well as his goals for Q4. First on his list: listening more. We’re always eager to jump into solutions here at Stack, so taking a moment to pause and lean in helps improve cross-team communication and empowers employees at every level to share their ideas.

Stack’s got talent (in and out of the office).
We’re always striving for a workplace culture that encourages balance, so we were thrilled to top off the day with an epic talent show. From singing to break dancing, we’re grateful to be part of a team that inspires us to grow personally and professionally every day.

Here’s to the best Q4 yet!